Naga Cybersecurity

Virtual CISO

The most complicated position in a company:  The Chief Information Security Officer 

The ultimate SWISS ARMY Knife 'The CISO'

No one person or office is expected to do more for the business than the CISO’s. 

The most complicated position in a company the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

To be trained in all things Legal, Cyber, Business, Human Relations and Financial Mangement.  Your CISO has the job that never has enough time or resources applied as one person can only do so much by themselves.  Our role is to support your Company’s CISO or Director of Security providing the information they need to make the right business decisions to expand and grow your revenue safely.

Our team helps you do the research, planning and draft policy development for deployment of DLP, Dev/Sec/Ops, Cyber Resilience and other state of the art technolgies.  Allowing the CISO to better define the Business needs to ensure that Cyber Operations are cost effect and making PROFIT for the business each day. 


We help you determine your tomorrow.

Providing information on market trends new security requirements, implimentations of law and regulations both domestic and foreign. What Old Technology needs to be phased out? What New Technology needs to be included in the plan for today and tomorrow?

Cyber Resilience

Getting Secure and Reliable included in your design correctly.


Business Requires
this for Competive Advantage

Data Loss Prevention

Nations collapse and Business's fail if not done right.

Know your Business

Know your Customer,
Know your Employee,
Know your Assests

Contact us for more information